The Edward Carpenter Community is a network of men who love men, dedicated to community-building, creativity, personal growth, friendship and fun. We organise one-week residential retreats – sometimes known as gay men’s weeks – as well as weekend events and one-day workshops at locations around the UK. We also offer additional support and friendship through local groups, heart circles and informal friendship networks.
We celebrate diversity and are open to all men who love men, whether they identify as gay, bisexual, trans or queer. We are open to men of all ages, ethnic and social backgrounds and abilities, and aim to be as inclusive as possible. To ensure our events are affordable to everyone, our charges are on a sliding scale according to income. We are a not-for-profit organisation run by volunteers.
Edward Carpenter events and membership of our community can be life-changing and transformative. Every person’s experience is unique and personal, and the best way to find out what the community can do for you is to join one of our events, or come along to a local group meeting near you. These pages offer a taste of what our events are like, and several of our members have shared their personal experiences.