Being part of a gathering of men who we don’t always know can be quite daunting, particularly for those new to ECC. For this reason, every ECC gathering will put aside time for base groups each day. They provide a structured opportunity to
Groups are usually about 5 or 6 men, and will be led by one or two base group facilitators. Facilitators are experienced men who’ve attended several previous events. Their role is to hold the space, to ensure that everyone has an equal chance to participate, to be heard and to receive support.
Arrangements vary from one event to another, but base groups usually meet for an hour before supper each day. They may begin with a go-round where everyone checks in and reflects on their day, but it’s up to the group to decide how to proceed. There may be simple activities, maybe linked to the overall event structure, or it may be an open discussion on a chosen topic, or just whatever emerges from the energy within the group.
Base groups are intentionally confidential. Nothing that is disclosed should be shared outside the group unless explicit permission has been given.
Being part of a base group is an expectation on everyone on an event, though some men prefer to form a heart circle instead, and this option is generally provided. However, newcomers to ECC are strongly encouraged to opt for a base group. There is usually a fun, sometimes chaotic, exercise on the first day to randomly allocate men to base groups.