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The Edward Carpenter Community
For men who love men

Autumn Gathering 2024

A report on the resolutions reached

A view of Bolton Abbey ruins with the river Wharfe and stepping stones in the foreground
Bolton Abbey


A diverse group of thirty ECCers got together in early November for our annual Autumn Gathering weekend and AGM at the Beamsley Project in the beautiful Yorkshire Dales.

We took stock of the year coming to an end, made plans for next year, and made some occasionally challenging decisions about the future direction of ECC. It wasn't all work. We also enjoyed David Wray's wonderful cooking, socialising, base groups, a talent show, and walks in the countryside to nearby Bolton Abbey.

The headline points and decisions are:


Covid Testing at Events

After a robust and lengthy discussion with a wide range of views expressed, it was decided that there will no longer be covid testing on arrival and during events. However attendees are kindly asked not to come to an event if they are ill. This policy, as always, remains subject to review should the situation around covid evolve or change.

In context to covid, and better health and hygiene control generally, the AG discussed and agreed to the need for better general hygiene precautions at gatherings with renewed emphasis on washing/sanitising hands before meal times, and other enhanced hygiene practices.


Bookings Process

There was much discussion around the booking process, as it was felt that some people are unfairly missing out on gatherings due to not being quick enough to book. It was agreed that we shall look into the system, and try to devise a fairer bookings process.

Again it was mentioned that one solution to this predicament is for there to be more ECC events, and more events is what is currently happening!


Safeguarding and Accessability

There was also a fairly lengthy discussion about the lack of accessibility at certain ECC venues, and that this is currently excluding certain ECC members from attending events. It was decided to now hold all ECC events at fully accessible venues, subject to a two year time frame for the ECC to find suitable replacements for currently inaccessible venues in use.

It was acknowledged that there is still a need for a formal ECC safeguarding policy to be put in place.

There was also a fairly lengthy discussion about the increasingly poor catering at YHA venues, and the general intransigence towards ECC from the YHA Management towards ECC over this issue, and also around their accessibility arrangements at certain venues.

This has consequent implications for future catering arrangements at YHA venues, and indeed the future use by ECC of YHA High Close and YHA Wasdale venues.



A new ECC WhatsApp group open to all members who have attended ECC events has now been set up. Along with Facebook, the ECC website, the quarterly newsletter, and google groups, this will now form the core of ECC communications strategy, and online presence going forward.

To join the WhatsApp group, please use the link:

To join the ECC Facebook Private Group, please contact Peter Davey or Rob Parker.

To join Google groups contact Rob Parker.


ECC Trust Ltd

Peter Davey from The ECC Trust gave an annual update.

Vyvyan Chatterjie is resigning as a trustee, and they are currently looking for a new trustee, as they reassess what their priorities, strategy, and aims should be in the years going forward.
For more details please contact Peter Davey.

ECC Maintenance Group (MG)

Paul Ryan has now been elected as ECC Treasurer.

Rob Parker and Mike Kaye have both been re-elected into their respective ECC MG roles.

Rob and Mike have both stated that this will be their last year on the MG, so if there are any budding new MG members who would like to express an interest in joining the MG over the coming year, then please do make yourself known to us.

Duncan Weaver has been re-elected as taskholder for archives, website, and contacts database.

Shaun Kent has stepped down as Treasurer, and Dave Edwards has stepped down as Social Media taskholder. Both Shaun and Dave received a heartfelt vote of thanks from the AG for all of their hard work given freely to ECC over many years.


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